What’s the exchange rate between different currencies?
The FX fee is currently 0.7%.
Can the Cash card be denominated in other currencies for non-Euro countries?
Due to liquidity depth, the card will use USD-based currency at this time.
Will I receive a monthly statement showing my expenses in local currency?
Aave accrues interest per block starting when the loan is created, and you’ll be able to view your transactions in the app in USD as that is the native spend currency.
Are there any ATM fees or limits?
Daily ATM Withdrawal Limit
Limit: $2,000 USD
Frequency: 3 withdrawals per day
Monthly ATM Withdrawal Limit
Limit: $10,000 USD
Frequency: 20 withdrawals per month
Currently, there is a 2% ATM withdrawal fee
Note: ATM withdrawals are not allowed due to platform integrity and global compliance for the following FATF blacklist countries:
Democratic People's Republic of Korea